After threatening Noah with the dentist he finally let up pull his front tooth out.
Wubitu in Daddy's sweater
Carter, Landon, and Wubitu play legos together. They all get along very well.
Carter & Wubitu have made ALOT of progress this week. Carter even told the people at the Y that he liked being a big brother. Wubitu picked out a ball at the store and they like to play catch together. We saw her doing this on her video in the Care Center but never though for getting on for home. (Blurry camera issues this week...sorry)
Wubitu likes carrying her baby in her robe. You can always find some kind of snack in her hand. I didn't even think about it until Carter's preschool teacher asked if she would ever see Wubitu not eating.
Noah came home with the flu on Friday. He said that he didn't feel good and had the hersey squirts in his pants when we got home. I asked if he was feeling sick at school and he told me he didn't want to talk about it. So I told him that if he was not feeling good at school he needs to tell his teacher so he can go to the nurse. He had no idea you could do this! So he rested in our bed until dinnertime and then threw up all of his pizza in the rug! Yuck!! Thank you Jesus for inspiring someone to invent the Spotbot! He went to bed without a problem but threw up on himself again at 4am. Then decided to climb in bed with me but kept wiggling and finally got up at 6am to declare that he was ready to go to Chuck-E-Cheeses. The tooth fairy hooked him up with $7 and a coupon to the mouse house!