Destiny taught Wubitu to make bunny ears!
MLK Jr. Day....I get a taste of my crazy preadoption life. (We had to take the heart decoration down for the first week Wubitu was home because she kept trying to eat the fake berries)
Carter and Landon have missed each other so much!
Destiny told me she wished that Wubitu was her sister!
So after much discussion we have decided to adopt again next year. Some people have given us the "you are nuts look" when we told them but we are really excited. Torrey was hesitant at first with the huge price of adoption but after much discussion and soul searching we have decided that we are going to take the leap of faith again. We are praying that God provides mightily for this adoption and we will do our part by continuing our ultrafrugal lifestyle. We hope to start our homestudy in November and finish our dossier by January or February 2009 for a little girl age 2-3.5 years. Hopefully we will travel in the summer of 2009. The boys are very happy about adopting another little girl. At first they wanted another brother but quickly realized that Wubitu needs a little sister to play with. Carter is still dealing with some issues about being displaced from the baby position and has declared that nobody is allowed to kiss him....hugs only. Needless to say we aquiesced for the first 2 days but now we smother him with kisses as he tries to wiggle away giggling. It has only been 5 weeks but I think we are making some progress. I have been playing Webkinz with him one on one and earning him some KinKash while he is sleeping so he can buy stuff for his virtual puppy (thank you Grandma Isnogle for the awesome Christmas present!).

Wubitu is doing wonderfully. We are down to maybe 1 fit a day! She is learning lots of English and can communicate most of her basic needs at home including the names of all her favorite foods (cereal, milk, juice, water, banana, dabbo, and poptart). She still gets some words and sounds mixed up like underwet for underwear and calls Carter Quarda. We are doing basic puzzles with animals or transportation to help her vocabulary to grow. She is still very angry with me that I can't put her in preschool. She doesn't understand and I can't adequately explain to her estimated birthday missed the cut off for preschool by 2 months. Everyday she says, "Daddy work, Noah school, Carter school".....then gives me the puppy dog eyes and says "Wubitu school?" Then she gives the sad eyes all the way home from dropping Carter off. Today to help cheer her up we tried a little retail therapy (she is a girl after all... a good sale or clearance always brightens my day) we went to the Halmark going out of business sale to buy Webkinz for the boys' Easter present (half off...yeah!) She liked looking at all the stuffed animals as I told her what they were. She was disturbed by several of the greeting cards though. She didn't like one with a messy baby or an old wrinkly lady. She is so cute and animated that everyone flocks to her at the store. I still don't know what to say when people ooh and aah over her and tell me how cute she is....thanks is all I know to say.
I had a little break down this week driving to a friends house when I realized that God had blessed me so mightily this last year. I never realized how strong my desire was for a little girl until I experienced the joy of holding her in my arms EVERY DAY. To see her face light up when she sees me every morning and smothers me with kisses and tight hugs...I just melt. I have always been a proud "boy mamma" but growing up with only sisters I knew I always deep down felt like I was missing something. It hit me hard listening to my little girl who barely speaks English trying to sing along with me to the Christian radio station and sitting together to put pretties in her hair which leads to my envisioning my little girl dancing in her first recital putting tears in a proud papa's eyes and shopping for Christmas gifts together. This week has really unlocked a flood of emotion as I realize that God is so Good...I could never have asked for a more wonderful little girl who giggles with such ecstasy, shows off a little sassy side, rivals all of my goofy faces, and hugs me so tightly that it warms my heart even on the gloomiest days.
Cindy said...
Kim I don't know if I have said it before...but I love reading your blog. Thank you so much for shring your experience.
Sheri said...
Sooooo sweet! Thanks for sharing!