Webitu was so proud of her pretties that she told Daddy all about it when she got home. All he understood was blah, blah, blah pretties, blah blah, etc. When she woke up this morning (after her daily fit about wanting more poptarts) she brought me the box of pretties and pointed to the back of her hair. I tried a little "Let's Jam" hair goo this time to help it hold a little better. It helped to achieve the wet, darker hair look that I have seen other kids have but I will use more next time I think to help with the fizz. It doesn't help the frizz problem that she rubs her head on the floor when she throws a fit. Anywho I redid some of the top puffs and it took about 30 minutes to complete the back. Anyone out there have any advice on puffs? Are they supposed to stay in for several days? Do you just continually redo the fuzzy ones every morning?
Thank you Lord for keeping my little ones safe! Please be with the family of this little girl as she fights for her life in the hospital. Show your Mighty Power in her life and mend her little body! Let each person effected by this situation know that you are God...the Comforter....and that You Love them and know thier needs even when it all feels so unfair and the pain is so deep.
Here are some pics of Webitu playing at the YMCA.

We tried to go swimming again today at the Y but only got to swim for about 10 minutes this time. Unfortunatley a little girl at my Y was found in the deep end and wasn't breathing. Very scary. She was only about 9 years old and swimming during the Y's afterschool childcare program. Her big sister saw them pull her out and was frantic. Please pray for this family! I can't even image getting the call that my child drowned at daycare or being the big sister feeling helpless as she watched her baby sister being wisked away in an ambulance. Truely tragic, God constantly reminds me that life is fragile and there are no guarentees...only that He will love us and hold us when we fall.

Thank you Lord for keeping my little ones safe! Please be with the family of this little girl as she fights for her life in the hospital. Show your Mighty Power in her life and mend her little body! Let each person effected by this situation know that you are God...the Comforter....and that You Love them and know thier needs even when it all feels so unfair and the pain is so deep.