Today I tried my hand at poofs! After
bath time today
Webitu played with her pretties while I put the tiniest of ponytails in. She loved her pretties until she got mad at me during lunch when I didn't understand what she was saying and ripped them all out. She let me put them back in though after her fit was over. It is much easier to do the parts while she is in high chair vs. sitting on my lap. I
definitely need more practice (I missed some curls). Luckily she is very compliant and just talks me "mommy careful" if I pull a little too hard trying to get the teeny tiny rubber bands in.

Here is a picture of Carter in his new footed pajamas. He was very jealous of Webitu's so we had to pick some up for him after Christmas (thank you Target for carrying big boy footed pj's!). The sibling rivalry is getting a little better. Noah & Webitu get along great and like to play silly little games together. Carter and Webitu still have issues about not wanting to share mommy but they like to sleep together in the same bed and sneak into mommy's bed in the morning to watch Blues Clue's together.
hotflawedmama said...
NICE WORK!!! So shoot me an email and tell me which products you use, etc. I think Webitu and Tariku's hair will be just alike. I can't believe that was your first try!!!
Anonymous said...
Right now we are trying to figure out what exactly to use. It seems that there are so many opinions out there on products. Originally I bought Olive Oil Lotion and Shampoo. We still use the shampoo...originally 3 days a week with conditioner but her hair seemed really dry. Now we are only shampooing once a week or 2 weeks at the advice of some forum friends and just conditioning with Dove conditioner but may switch to something else. After bath we don't dry with a towel and spray in Waves leave in conditioner and comb with a pick or wide tooth comb. Then we are currently using "Pink" hair lotion (though some people don't like the ingredients) We stopped using the Olive Oil lotion because it was too thick and took way to long to massage into Webitu's hair. I will keep you posted on any new products I try. I know it is hard to start off and not know where to start!