We have a running joke in our house about being the clumbsiest people alive and if natural selection truely reined we would have been gone a long time ago. I used to be embarrased but now I embrace my "smoothness" as a source of bonding between Torrey & I as we bonk heads, and trip over nothing. I knew something was bound to go wrong soon especially since I accidently knocked 2 knives onto my toes this week (handle first...praise God), knocked over 4 full glasses with my elbow or coat, and have fallen down the stairs at least 2 times since I have been back from ET. Last night Torrey & I went out after we put the kids to bed to sneak some Baskin Robins and the new movie "I Am Legend" (very scary by the way...nobody told me!). We came home on a caffine and Chocolate Peanut Butter Ice cream buzz and stayed up until 3am trying to put together a slide show of our trip to Ethiopia (okay Torrey was researching something geek squadish on the net). The next morning Carter & Webitu woke up at 8:30 and I decided to let Torrey sleep since he has been so wonderful the last few weeks helping me get over my Post Adoption Blues. I picked up Webitu to carry her down the stairs for breakfast and was obviously more tired than I thought because I started to turn the corner at what I thought was the bottom of the stairs and tumbled down 3 stairs onto the floor. I was just able to turn enough to sheild Wubitu from a nasty collision with the wall. All I could think was that I crushed my baby!!! I started to scream and Torrey came running....he also hit his wedding ring on something along the way which made a nasty gash in his finger. Wubitu was crying because I was screaming and I had pain shooting from my ankles to my feet. After I calmed down a bit Wubitu calmed and she was perfectly fine. I snuggled her for a half an hour sobbing...thankful I didn't hurt her. Right now we are assuming the injury of my feet include a twisted right ankle and a nasty sprain in my left foot. If I lay down for a few hours I can put some pressure on the right foot and use the Leaf Frog Learning Shopping cart to help drag the left foot around on the big toe. If it doesn't improve drastically by tomorrow afternoon I will have to go to Redimed for X-rays but I am praying that I just gets better on its own. Torrey has been awesome all day watching the kids and getting me food. Torrey joked that if I wanted to skip church and lay around all day all I had to do was ask! I even had time to finish most of my Ethiopia slide show. Click on the Link below!

Our trip to Ethiopia December 2007
Our trip to Ethiopia December 2007
Anonymous said...
Oh Kimberley...I hope you are okay. You made it how many days without falling down the uneven stairs in Ethiopia...perhaps you should consider a one level home! Take care of yourself!
Tom and Nikki
Amy B. said...
Bless your heart. I tend to have a problem with stairs...and grace too :) It is sad when you become the running joke in your family, isn't it. I hope you are doing better from your fall...hopefully nothing too serious. I love your slide show too. Those are some remarkable photos.