This week was wonderful. I really feel like Wubitu is meshing well with our family. I have really started to adjust to having another child and Wubitu is adjusting to our rules and limitations. She really is a bundle of joy! She cracks me up! This week Noah taught her to sing "I like to move it move!" and Carter taught her her to say "My handy, candy notebook" Wubitu also finally realized that ALL the shoes in her closet are hers and if she tries another pair then the others don't disappear and nobody else is going to take them. (At the care center shoes are community property and the shoes you take off may not be the shoes you get to put back on) She is so excited that now I can't get shoes off of her! Here is a picture of her in her PJ's and her night shoes
(they are really 2 sizes to big but she snatched them out of the bag before I could get them up to the attic). Noah has really adjusted will to the new baby sister and I overheard him telling Nathan at church that he loves his new little sister because she is so funny. Carter is starting to come around but there is still ALOT of jealousy on both of their parts. Wubitu does not like me to hold Carter at all but I have made sure this week that Carter got some special attention and made Wubitu wait until I was done holding Carter. She was not happy about this the first time even though daddy was there as a substitute. Carter came home from playing at Lori & Jason's crying about not getting to play Wii enough(surprise...I know) so I snuggled him awhile and tucked him into bed. All the while little Wubitu had flung herself on the couch into a fit throwing rage. After I put Carter to bed I came back to get her and snuggled her the same way and put her to bed. Balancing affection between both of them is very difficult especially since both can be overly dramatic about everything.

The boys are already talking about going back for another little sister so Wubitu would have another little girl to play with. While this appeals my OCD sense of symmetry, we have decided to pray about it. God truly provided for our family for this adoption! Pending a grant promised to us from our home church, Wubitu's adoption expenses are 100% paid for...absolutely no debt! We would love to jump back into it, especially after seeing all of those little faces begging for a mommy & daddy but we want to make sure that it is God's plan for our family, knowing the He alone can move that financial mountain again if it is His will. So can someone please tell my mind to stop mentally moving the finances around to make this work... (that self-sufficient thing all over again)
My feet are doing better. Thank you to Jennifer F. for coming over on Monday to help me around the house since I couldn't walk. I can now walk on both feet with a moderate amount of pain but it is much better. God has really been showing me in the last few months that I need to let go of my pride sometimes and let others help me. Nothing like a newly adopted daughter, messy house, and two hurt feet to make you realize what wonderful friends I have!
My feet are doing better. Thank you to Jennifer F. for coming over on Monday to help me around the house since I couldn't walk. I can now walk on both feet with a moderate amount of pain but it is much better. God has really been showing me in the last few months that I need to let go of my pride sometimes and let others help me. Nothing like a newly adopted daughter, messy house, and two hurt feet to make you realize what wonderful friends I have!
Cindy said...
I have to admit that I have been loving your blog. Our Mihiret was only on month younger then Webitu at referral so it gives us a glimpse at our future. Thank you so much for your candor, it is invaluable.