Last week we took an impromptu trip to a corn maze. We were at a family reunion and decided to visit on the way home. The kids had a GREAT time.
Sefan being a goof

Noah and Wubitu......Carter called the woman space in this cut out "the lady suit" and refused to be in pictures with the lady suit on.

Getting our fill of cats! Daddy is allergic :(
Here is grandma trying to explain to Wuby and Sefan that cats are not ferocious.
All loaded up for the barrel ride!

How in the world do you get 4 kids to smile at the same time?
The corn maze was really neat! They had a scavenger hunt inside the maze. If you found 4 different punches throughout the maze and punched your ticket then you got a dollar back from your admission! Since we had 4 adults it was a lot of fun because each kid got to pick their own way and lead an adult around.
Here is grandpa helping Sefan punch her ticket.
Carter and daddy leaving the corn maze with all four corners punched!!
Sefan on the hay stacks
Carter trying out the tractor
T took one look at this picture and was in awe of the sky..."why do we live in the city again?" My country boy is missing his big skies. but mommy would miss her Meijer grocery store! Oh yeah and diversity. (Noah and Carter being boys)
Wuby and Sefan queens of the haystack....and hair full of hay.

Thanks for the great time grandma and grandpa!!!
Sefan being a goof

Noah and Wubitu......Carter called the woman space in this cut out "the lady suit" and refused to be in pictures with the lady suit on.

Getting our fill of cats! Daddy is allergic :(

Here is grandpa helping Sefan punch her ticket.

Anonymous said...
Hey, I know that corn maze! It belongs to friends of mine. We haven't been there yet but hope to take Josh there. Glad you had fun, just popping in to say hi! (still without a computer until the weekend, hopefully)