The girls have been getting along FABULOUSLY now! I think it is mainly because we keep very busy now that everything is in full swing. Torrey is gone ALL week, basically I am a single stay at home mom during the week. I get the kids out of bed and put them back to bed at night while Torrey is at school and work. Torrey is hoping to finish his BA this year after 8 years of going part time we are making on final push by going full time this year. It has proven to be very difficult with the added stress of adoption transition. But I am trying to make the best my time with the kids and support Torrey as much as possible because he is so overwhelmed with his responsibilities at school and work. My number one coping mechanism has been filling our schedule with lots of activities to break up the day. Here is our schedule
Grocery shopping
Boy's play soccer and the girls play with some friends at the soccer field
(Noah acts like he doesn't like soccer but he is really good! He just doesn't like to run alot, just short sprints)
Carter LOVES soccer (but doesn't like soccer socks)!
BUT he would rather be doing this.....He is always a joker and will do anything for a laugh including teaching the other kids to play sumo soccer.
This is a game Wuby & Sefan invented. Sefan tells Wuby to run to me (about 100 yards away) and she stays where she is. Then Sefan says "na na you can't get me" and turns around to run. Then Wuby runs full force at Sefan to catch her and tackle her. Sefan is still working on muscle strength and Wuby is fast like lightning when she runs so it works out wonderfully...Sefan gets a head start and Wuby gets to run full force without upsetting Sefan because Wuby is faster and Sefan is jealous.
YMCA so mommy can get her workout on
Tumbling (this has be FANTASTIC for Sefan. We are learning directions: front, back, side and movement: jump, roll, slide. Most importantly we are learning that we have to listen to the teacher and it is okay if you don't get it the first takes practice. At first she would melt into a little ball on the floor and say "I can't" but we are working on perseverance.
This has been great for her abdominal strength too as she learns to sit up after each roll which is a struggle for Sefan.
Back to the Y for mommy to work in the evening. I am usually very thankful for this break :)

Preschool for both girls. I usually get to roller blade 6-10 miles during this time and then come home to do some laundry and dishes. It really is a much needed break as by Wednesday I am usually very very worn out.
YMCA to work the booty again
Swimming lessons (they LOVE swimming lessons....the first class though Sefan pulled the "I'm scared" trick (it really means I don't want to do this because I can't get it perfect the first I quit) and tried to sit out the entire class so she could ask distracting questions to the instructor. But mean mommy put her back in the water after 5 minutes and said "Sefan do it"...and wouldn't you know she made some great improvement.)

Wubitu has learned so much from swim lessons so far, she is a little fish! Sefan is really working hard on gaining muscle strength and confidence.
After school we go to the library together for a few hours to pick new movies and books.
Carter then has football after dinner (we all play soccer while he practices)
Preschool for Wubitu and Suki shopping for mommy and Sefan.
So our schedule is jam packed and we LOVE it!
Please forgive me if I don't get emails and phone calls returned ASAP...I really love ya, just a bit overwhelmed right now....29 more weeks of school for T.
Grocery shopping
Boy's play soccer and the girls play with some friends at the soccer field
YMCA so mommy can get her workout on
Tumbling (this has be FANTASTIC for Sefan. We are learning directions: front, back, side and movement: jump, roll, slide. Most importantly we are learning that we have to listen to the teacher and it is okay if you don't get it the first takes practice. At first she would melt into a little ball on the floor and say "I can't" but we are working on perseverance.
Back to the Y for mommy to work in the evening. I am usually very thankful for this break :)
Preschool for both girls. I usually get to roller blade 6-10 miles during this time and then come home to do some laundry and dishes. It really is a much needed break as by Wednesday I am usually very very worn out.
YMCA to work the booty again
Swimming lessons (they LOVE swimming lessons....the first class though Sefan pulled the "I'm scared" trick (it really means I don't want to do this because I can't get it perfect the first I quit) and tried to sit out the entire class so she could ask distracting questions to the instructor. But mean mommy put her back in the water after 5 minutes and said "Sefan do it"...and wouldn't you know she made some great improvement.)
After school we go to the library together for a few hours to pick new movies and books.
Carter then has football after dinner (we all play soccer while he practices)
Preschool for Wubitu and Suki shopping for mommy and Sefan.
So our schedule is jam packed and we LOVE it!
Aunt Rhonda said...
Ok Im ready to take a nap after just reading this. But you hang in there! Im so proud of you. What a rewarding life you lead, although a little exhausting. Dont forget to take a breather now and again. And way to go Torrey for plugging along to get your degree. I know it hasnt been easy. Next career move for you two should be motivational speakers.