living the life. enjoying the journey

In an effort to "have a life" other than sitting at this computer waiting for someone to turn the page to the next huge chapter of my life....I left the house today!!!!!!!!! It is a true miracle!!! A huge change from a week ago when I did not leave this hard chair (thought a hard chair would deter me) to even shower for 7 days (It was that bad). So I have decided to write a few sentences in my book to fill the space until the page is turned. I can't blame all of my depression BFAS...another part is that we had to cancel our Y membership to help save for our adoption. I previously received the employee discount but since I haven't made it back to work I had to choose to pay full price (totally not me) or drop the membership. So the combination of waiting for my life to change and no longer being a gym rat has resulted in a bottom of ginormous proportions (....I have gained 30 pounds since July and still climbing). So today I decided to exercise the frugal way...I went Mall walking!! There were actually alot of people there moms with strollers, moms with friends without kids, elderly couples, mothers and daughters, newly retired young folk. The mall opens at 6 am for mall walking and the stores don't open until 10. I thought it would be a hassle to have my 3 preschoolers with me but it was great, they ran and I powerwalked at the same pace. We did 2 laps (which is really a long way) then they played in the playarea while I walked around the perimater for about 30 minutes. It was perfect because I could keep moving without looking like a (total) freak or running into shoppers and I could watch the kids from all angles (which I was thankful for because some older male gaukers stopped to watch the kids play but with me circling they moved along alot more quickly). It was GREAT!!! I think we will make it a once or twice a week trip to help us survive this horrible cabin fever. We even roped in a homeschool preschool theme of the sense of smell as we took time to sniff candles, roasted almonds, and different lotions at Bath and Body Works. Followed by reading the nose book before nap time.
While we were there I obeyed my dear husband's plea and spent money!!! In the words of my dear friend Jenny C- spending $20 won't kill you (even if you are ultra frugal and spending money when you know you should be saving is like snuggling up to a cactus)! Libby Lu was going out of business so we picked up some fru fru for future birthday presents at a GREAT price (75% off) and some birthday presents for my moms (not from libby lu...of course). Even though I didn't spend it on myself it feels good to splurge a bit when you get too caught up in are saving like mad fools for 2 adoptions in less than 2 years with one very modest income. We may be crazy but we know that God will provide and we are believing He will help us come out of this adoption debt free for the second time! I just need to let go of my purse strings a little bit and let God take hold.

This entry was posted on 1/08/2009 and is filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.


    Jenny said...

    That a girl! :) And while it was great for you, it was great for the kiddos too!

  1. ... on January 8, 2009 at 2:53 PM  
  2. Sheri said...

    The mall lap is 1.25 miles. So you did 2 1/2 miles today! Yay!

  3. ... on January 8, 2009 at 5:40 PM  
  4. AnnMarie & Nick said...

    Sounds like the mall walking was fun for the family! Good for you for getting out.

  5. ... on January 10, 2009 at 10:44 PM  
  6. meg said...

    look at all the progress you're making...mall walking and showering in the same week! hehe...
    i miss having you at the computer at all times! (it was like we were instant messaging in our emails!) :)

  7. ... on January 11, 2009 at 7:32 PM