living the life. enjoying the journey

So on the 6 month anniversary of meeting Wubitu we sent off our application to CHSFS. I saved copies of all of Wubitu's paperwork so it only took about 20 minutes to fill out this time instead of 2 weeks. It sat on my desk all week ready to go out but I have been reluctant to turn it in. All of the "what if's" rattled around in my head coupled with the less than encouraging reception we have recieved from our family for moving forward with our second adoption (ouch). But alas it has come down to what would be best for Wubitu and what we want as a family. Wubitu has much to gain in having a sister to play with in the same way the Noah and Carter get along. Plus research shows that as transracially adopted children get older it is much easier for them to adapt having someone of the same race along with being adopted to share thier feelings and experiences with. But even more, we, as a family have more room in our hearts for another little sister.

This entry was posted on 6/06/2008 and is filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.


    Cindy said...

    Very Exciting!!
    When we have talkec to epople about the possibility of doing ti again they tell us we are crazy!! I think if we go through with it we might just wait until we have a referral to tell people...that would be easier.
    Good Luck!! We are excited for your family.

  1. ... on June 6, 2008 at 4:23 PM  
  2. Matthew and Amanda said...

    Congrats! You are absolutely doing the right thing! I am excited to watch your family grow.


  3. ... on June 11, 2008 at 11:29 PM  
  4. Kristy said...

    I just want to tell you that your adoption is a testimony to how great and powerful our God is. Webitu fits so well into your family, and no matter how hard it is at times I can see God's plan was to put her into your family. I can't wait to meet the other little girl our Father has in mind for you!

  5. ... on June 12, 2008 at 10:48 PM