Window VISTA is really bad with printer drivers so I have not been able to transfer my pictures to my computer in a few weeks. I have added a few to earlier posts (blogs are no fun without pictures).
To commemorate the glorious deed of fixing my printer here is our week in pictures:
To commemorate the glorious deed of fixing my printer here is our week in pictures:
Carter Started School this week. He is in Ms. Linda's class. Noah had the same teacher when he was 4. Carter is so much more socially mature that Noah was at this age. He will speak actual words to his teacher while Noah still at 7 feels uncomfortable talking to adults at times. Carter's teacher said that he made quick friends with a little boy while playing blocks. And yes, he always turns his head this way when you take a picture.
We started up playgroup again after a 1 year hiatus. We are now meeting at the Downtown Library on Thursdays at 10:30 in the Early Childhood room if anyone is interested...all are invited. Landon peed his pants 2 times and pooped his pants once in the 2 hours we were at the library despite the 3 trips to the bathroom right before each accident!
This is me after we got home from the library. I was unsuccessfully trying to capture an image for of the wet spots on my pants and shirt from Landon trying to do his duty in a sitting position. He can get some major distance! I was standing by the mirror thinking I was way out of range but he got me twice!!! Oh the joys of potty training!

The brood loves to dress up and battle on the trampoline after school. Noah told me, "Carter is particularly strong in his bunny suit...he has strong bunny muscles." Carter says: "Nathan shoots me with his lasers but I can get him because he doesn't have his helmet on." They usually romp around for at least an hour everyday.
Finally here is one of Princess Destiny. Isn't she gorgeous!!! She is getting VERY excited about Keziah Webitu. In the last 7 years you have often heard her complain, "Why do I always have to sit by boys?!?" (4 boys, 1 real choices) She carries Keziah's picture with her everywhere and shows it to EVERYONE....even the UPS guy. 

I can't wait to have our own little princess home! We went shopping for clothes at Target this weekend and bought our first GIRL CLOTHES!!! It was VERY emotional! We put her referral picture in the coats to check for the best colors for her skin tone and bawled like babies (a theme lately). In the end Torrey decided on a brown skirt with embroidered flowers and a light pink top.