WUBITU IS 5!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I can't believe my little baby girl is 5!! Five is such a big number. This last month I have really had a hard time with her becoming 5....not sure why....with the boys I never thought twice about it....but with Wubitu, I actually cried a bit.....sappy I know.

With T going to school we were not up for a spottless cleaning fest at the house so we opted for a "low key" Chuck-e-cheese party. We originally planned to just invite family but when Wuby woke up she asked "Are my friends going to be there?" so we made a few quick phone calls and sent out a few text messages to see if anyone could make it.

Sefan :)

Wuby was soooo excited about her presents!

This is the response Carter got for getting Wubitu the "Barbie 12 Dancing Princesses" DVD....she really, really, really liked it :)
Thank you Danielle for taking these photos for me!