The boys each received blue ribbons for their flowers at the school Flower show!!!
We grew these Marigold from a seed packet they sent home with the future Kindergarteners in May. The school provides each student with a live plant at the end of the school year to keep alive and bring back to school in September for the plant show. Noah's has died EVERY year. Last year we entered the dead plant in the show anyway. This year it died again but I happened to be reading over the instructions for Carter's plant and saw that you could enter single cut Marigolds and a set of 3 Marigolds that look alike. So we let Noah pick 4 flowers from Wubitu and Carter's Marigold plants. Noah's flowers won 1st place and get to be entered into the Citywide Flower show on Saturday
(Unfortunately Carter's can't be entered because Kindergarten Marigold's are not eligible for the City wide show).
We decided to go out for ice cream after the plant show last night because really the flowers were a family effort. The girls really helped their brothers out because they were the ones who watered the flowers every day and fertilized them every other week.
We grew these Marigold from a seed packet they sent home with the future Kindergarteners in May. The school provides each student with a live plant at the end of the school year to keep alive and bring back to school in September for the plant show. Noah's has died EVERY year. Last year we entered the dead plant in the show anyway. This year it died again but I happened to be reading over the instructions for Carter's plant and saw that you could enter single cut Marigolds and a set of 3 Marigolds that look alike. So we let Noah pick 4 flowers from Wubitu and Carter's Marigold plants. Noah's flowers won 1st place and get to be entered into the Citywide Flower show on Saturday
We decided to go out for ice cream after the plant show last night because really the flowers were a family effort. The girls really helped their brothers out because they were the ones who watered the flowers every day and fertilized them every other week.