School started this week for the boys. Carter was SUPER excited about Kindergarten! He even let me drop him at the door on the first day. BUT I freaked out thinking maybe he was crying in the hallway lost and scared. So I quickly found a parking spot in a nearby neighborhood (the parking lot is full on the first day) and hurried the girls along to make sure the boys made it to class. Panicking I quickly tried to weave in and out of crowds of parents and students with the girls in tow. Noah was sitting in his seat as I passed his classroom. Carter's classroom is the furthest class from the drop off door. He was sitting in his seat happily playing. :)
(as a general rule I don't post pics of my nekked face (sans makeup) but i don't think I have many pics of just the 2 of us together, so please look passed the dark circles)
Both boys really like their teachers this year and have not fussed at all about school so far. Carter is happy because Mrs. J lets them have 2 snacks! Noah likes Mrs. N because she gives "ticket rewards" based on individual performance and behavior vs. group like last year.
It is amazing the difference a year makes in Carter's readiness to go to Kindergarten all day. He comes home happy instead of tired and cranky. Plus both teachers give little homework so we have more time to read together. I am reading Star Wars the Clone wars books to the boys.....i have never seen Star Wars so the names are hard for me to remember....the boys think it is funny that i have to ask them how to pronounce pademe (or whatever).
(as a general rule I don't post pics of my nekked face (sans makeup) but i don't think I have many pics of just the 2 of us together, so please look passed the dark circles)
Both boys really like their teachers this year and have not fussed at all about school so far. Carter is happy because Mrs. J lets them have 2 snacks! Noah likes Mrs. N because she gives "ticket rewards" based on individual performance and behavior vs. group like last year.
It is amazing the difference a year makes in Carter's readiness to go to Kindergarten all day. He comes home happy instead of tired and cranky. Plus both teachers give little homework so we have more time to read together. I am reading Star Wars the Clone wars books to the boys.....i have never seen Star Wars so the names are hard for me to remember....the boys think it is funny that i have to ask them how to pronounce pademe (or whatever).