living the life. enjoying the journey

When Sefan and Wubitu first met they were soooo cute together! They are officially 1 ½ inches and 2 lbs difference in size….Sefan is a tad smaller. The first order of business between them was to decide how to split up the princess dresses. Wubitu is quite attached to the Belle dress because the straps go off the shoulders and Sefan wanted the Sleeping Beauty dress because she LOVES pink….those 2 dresses were the most important…they rest it seems they have decided they can share equally. We left the girls to play in their room and we didn’t hear a peep out of them for an hour! Did I mention they are sooo cute together!
Since their first meeting they have had several squables as they try to feel each other out. It is hard because they both are about the same age and wear the same size clothes so they basically have to learn to share EVERYTHING. Wuby has been a really good sport about it really because basically everything she owned by herself now belongs also to her sister. There have been a few things that she has not been too happy to share, like her cell phone from the Disney store but we are doing our best as parents to work it out. I know the girls are having trouble because they don’t speak the same language. Sefan still jabbers on and on in Oromo and thinks that you understand her. Wuby will make up some jibberish back to her when they are playing. One day I heard her say…..Sefan when are you gong to be done talking all of this Ethiopia talk and just speak English. I am sure Sefan feels the same way…….I think she had a crying melt down on day 2 home because she saw how easily wubi and I communicated and she wanted to be understood the same way.
Language- Sefan is eager to learn English but it is slow going. She knows: shopping, motorcycle, donkey, bike, eat, baby, flower, our names, “just a minute”, thank you, I love you, belly, dress, shirt, pants, shoes, cookie (even though she won’t eat them), and “enough” (from when she has been whimpering for 20 minutes about not wanting to share….mommy says “enough fussing….time to get over it and move on”)
More later…..

This entry was posted on 7/05/2009 and is filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.


    Holly Scheuren said...

    awww! I love reading your posts. I'm looking forward to hearing more!

  1. ... on July 6, 2009 at 10:43 AM