2 DAYS!!! I wanted to sleep in today but I was super excited to call the travel agency today to book our tickets.....we don't have our travel date yet but if all goes well we plan to leave on the 12th. We are sort of taking a gamble (and I am NOT the gambling type..a bit nervous about it).....if everything goes as planned we will be saving A LOT of money....if plans are changed we are out $100. Plus the seats are filling up for the 12th flight so we wanted to make sure we were on it if we have the 18th embassy date as expected.
We finally finished the princess castle double loft yesterday! (the pics are a bit dark...I couldn't quite get the lighting right). The girls basically have a full 13 x 13 space to play since their beds are off the ground. Plus they now have the bigger closet to hold their dresses and toys since they are in the master bedroom.
The boys BEG to sleep in the castle bed! All 4 kids easily fit in the 2 lofts.
Easy access princess dresses & stuffed animal holder
Thank you so much to Torrey's parents Keith and Joanne for buying Sifan's mattress for the loft bed! You have truly blessed us!! And thank you again to our construction crew Brian, Jordan, Keith, Torrey!
We finally finished the princess castle double loft yesterday! (the pics are a bit dark...I couldn't quite get the lighting right). The girls basically have a full 13 x 13 space to play since their beds are off the ground. Plus they now have the bigger closet to hold their dresses and toys since they are in the master bedroom.

Calmil2 said...
Wow!!! That bed is amazing!! Nice work and good luck with court, can't wait to hear the good news!
Mommy K said...
It looks so cute!! Will Sifan ever be in shock! Hope you get some sleep tonight!!
Holly Scheuren said...
WOW! You guys are talented!