13 days until court!!! (I am getting super excited and super anxious!) It is all feeling more real now...though some recent unconfirmed reports (read: possibly true rumors) (not from our agency) suggest that it may now take 6 weeks from the court date until travel instead of 3 weeks as more checks and balances are put into place to assure ethical adoptions in Ethiopia. For more information on recent happenings in Ethiopian adoption check these links:
I have been scheduling my life and wrapping my heart around a June 18th embassy date (the day we appear before the US embassy to apply for a passport for Sifan in Ethiopia) (leaving here on the 12th of June). If the report about the extended wait between court and travel is true it will more likely be a July 2nd or 16th embassy date...................
I have been scheduling my life and wrapping my heart around a June 18th embassy date (the day we appear before the US embassy to apply for a passport for Sifan in Ethiopia) (leaving here on the 12th of June). If the report about the extended wait between court and travel is true it will more likely be a July 2nd or 16th embassy date...................