It has been a super busy 2 weeks! I have been very thankful that I have been so busy because it helps make the wait for court so much easier... Really I have been cruising along without much trouble until today....another 2 sets of travelers have come and gone with no update on Sifan. The orphanage has moved to a new location and I was really hoping to get a glimpse of how she is doing. The last set of photos I received of her were heartbreaking....sigh...well actually tears. So I am going to try to cheer myself up by posting some pics of the kiddos I get to hug each day...the ones that help me to get through this LONG wait to complete our family and bring Sifan home.
Since we found out that Sifan & Wubitu are the same size we decided to sell all of our baby stuff and clothing so we would have enough money to build a bunk bed for the girls. It was quite an undertaking as we had to fill out little tags and safty pin them onto 10 boxes worth of clothing!! I would say I spent 30-40 hours pricing everything! OY! So during that time my kids were allowed to dress themselves and do their own hair as we raced against the clock to get the clothing to the church to make the deadline to be in the sale. Carter & Wubitu are obsessed with zipper jammies and change into them EVERY SINGLE time we come home. In my haste I asked Carter & Wubi to get dressed quickly so we could head out the door....and forgot to check to see what they actually put here we have Carter in his "Statue of Liverdy" pose.
The AWESOME news is that we sold over $230 worth of stuff so we have about $180 to buy the materials for the bed!!!! We are hoping to make double lofts for the girls so they have lots of room to play underneath!
Here are a few pics from a Build a Bear birthday party for Carter's birthday mates, Abby , Becca, & Isreal! They were so sweet to include all 3 kids even though Noah is several years older.
I had to force Wubi to let go of this poor costumed bunny. The boys were off wrestling somewhere. T put in a super long 80 hour week plus school and was still at work. Can I just say I am glad I am not a single mom!!!
So after we picked up the clothing that did not sell or was rejected from the resale we had a HUGE mess in the living room as I tried to sort out what to donate to Goodwill and what to reprice and put in a garage sale, the laundry went undone for the entire week as I tried to sort through everything. Wuby didn't have clean dance clothes for dance but was delighted when I let her wear one of her Sunday dresses to dance instead. 
In preparation for Carter's birthday party we made a mad rush to finally clean up the rest of the clothes laying all around and recoup the mess that had amassed in the other rooms from unattended children involved in all kinds of crazy imaginative play. Wheeew...
I was still finishing up when the guest arrived for Carter! I am glad that we had a small low key party...we needed a break. So my little boy...he is going to turn 6 on Wednesday!!!
Carter is obsessed with puppy stuff....when he was opening his cards from the mail he kept saying "please be a puppy card, please be a puppy card!"
So here is my attempt at a puppy cake (thank you google images for the help!)
It was 83 degrees but super windy so we had to sing Happy Birthday quickly while T had to keep relighting all of the candles!
Yum! I have had this cool Pampered Chef tool for at least 5 years and have never used it until now! It makes checker board cake!
So in the midst of all of that I worked at the Y 4 days, ran a PTA meeting, prepared information packets and presented at the Kindergarten Orientation for the kids' school, worked at church, homeschooled the little ones, attended a field trip, pigged out at another birthday party for baby Rebekah, attended a meeting to sign papers for Noah to graduate from speech assistance, sold some decals, etc. etc.
So again I am super glad to be so busy....because it is the only thing keeping me sane right now waiting to go get Sifan. 31 days until court!!!!!!!!
Since we found out that Sifan & Wubitu are the same size we decided to sell all of our baby stuff and clothing so we would have enough money to build a bunk bed for the girls. It was quite an undertaking as we had to fill out little tags and safty pin them onto 10 boxes worth of clothing!! I would say I spent 30-40 hours pricing everything! OY! So during that time my kids were allowed to dress themselves and do their own hair as we raced against the clock to get the clothing to the church to make the deadline to be in the sale. Carter & Wubitu are obsessed with zipper jammies and change into them EVERY SINGLE time we come home. In my haste I asked Carter & Wubi to get dressed quickly so we could head out the door....and forgot to check to see what they actually put here we have Carter in his "Statue of Liverdy" pose.

Here are a few pics from a Build a Bear birthday party for Carter's birthday mates, Abby , Becca, & Isreal! They were so sweet to include all 3 kids even though Noah is several years older.

I was still finishing up when the guest arrived for Carter! I am glad that we had a small low key party...we needed a break. So my little boy...he is going to turn 6 on Wednesday!!!

So here is my attempt at a puppy cake (thank you google images for the help!)

So again I am super glad to be so busy....because it is the only thing keeping me sane right now waiting to go get Sifan. 31 days until court!!!!!!!!
Cathy said...
WOW! You have been busy. Praying all goes well and that you get an update on Sifan soon. I think you deserve a nap :)
PreSchoolMama said...
Kimberely your cake is adorable it turned out great.