living the life. enjoying the journey

We get to send off a care package today!!! We are sending:
1) A photo album of our family- we have had this ready for 6 months now...I had to update a bit.
2) A magnifying glass-Noah picked this (we left the tag on that says not to look into direct sunlight...hoping she doesn't burn her eyeballs out...)
3) Tooth brush and tooth paste-Trisha told me she would help teach Maree to brush her teeth!!!
4) Necklace & bracelet- Wuby made these yesterday when we were working on "patterns"
5) Fisher Price educational song player
6) Bouncy ball
7) Size 4T shirt
8) Pink backpack (to store all of her stuff)
9) Recorder- Carter picked this one!
ALL packed into a gallon sized ziplock bag!!

2 BFAS families are traveling 2 weeks to pick their children up!!! Trisha (my hero) will be delivering our care package for us along with some puzzles and a puzzle stand to donate to the orphanage!! (There are 8 here and I plan to send 4 more later!) I am so excited!!! It felt so good to be able to send something!!! Trisha also made my day when she said she would help teach Maree to brush her teeth while she is there! (Did I mention she is my hero?!!!) I can't thank Trisha enough!!!
Here is a picture of the shirt in Maree's care package on Wuby. We hope that maybe Maree will be wearing it in some of the pictures that families take as they travel so we can get a good idea of how big she is and what sizes I need to stock up on!
We are still waiting on medical information and a name...I am hoping we will hear by Monday at the latest. We were originally told it should be 1 day-1 week but others have waited an average of 12 I am holding the crazy back until then (day 13).

This entry was posted on 2/05/2009 and is filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.


    PreSchoolMama said...

    That is so nice. I think Trish dose meet hero status.

  1. ... on February 5, 2009 at 2:56 PM  
  2. Major Mom said...

    You have no idea what a blessing this is to me!!! I have waited so long to meet my girl and all of the kids...God is so good. I have tears I am so happy to do this for you!!

  3. ... on February 5, 2009 at 5:14 PM  
  4. Cindy said...

    That is so exciting! I hope that you get more news about her very soon.

  5. ... on February 5, 2009 at 5:16 PM  
  6. Christina said...

    Hooray! All good items. I love your boys' creativity :). Hope you get the rest of the info soon!

  7. ... on February 5, 2009 at 5:38 PM  
  8. meg said...

    yay for trisha! yay for care packages!

    i hope your little one teaches my little one how to do the puzzles...

  9. ... on February 5, 2009 at 7:40 PM