living the life. enjoying the journey

So we decided that we are sending Carter to Kindergarten in the fall. He actually decided for us. One day he said "Mom, when I turn 5 I really want to go to elemenatry school" Torrey decided that if we could say elementary school then it must be a law somewhere that he gets to go to Kindergarten. We went to Kindergarten round up during one of my massive headache blog pauses and he was nervous at first (his friend Carter W didn't make it in by!) but he really enjoyed being with the other kids. The day after he turned 5 we was determined that he was done with preschool and would get to go to Noah's school right away. After much discussion we was okay finishing Preschool but counted down the days until he could call himself a Kindergartener. Well unfortunately his preschool ends 2 weeks before Noah's school so EVERY morning I get to hear Carter whine about going to school right now. This morning the little turkey even put on his backpack and tried to jump out of the van with Noah at the drop off line! Will Summer break every come!!!!
Oh yeah I forgot to mention that somehow I was voted in as PTA Vice President next year at the boys' school....

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