living the life. enjoying the journey

Wubitu is loving the weather! She is slowly getting used to wearing different types of shoes but she always has to see if someone else is wearing sandals or crocs before she is okay with it...otherwise it is the dreaded pink velcros. She is also learning the different names for clothes...she scolded me the other day for calling her capris pants.

A Hug from my baby girl!

Here is Wubitu with her baby cousin Jenna who is 7 months old. Wubitu was in baby heaven that day. She also decided that she needed a bottle so I could feed her. We settled on a Walmart soft top sippy cup. (NOTE: sounds weird to give a 3 year old a bottle when they were not already attached to one I know but bottle feeding is recommended for attachment for adoption.)
Cousin Zach visiting from Texas! (He is a big fan of our blog so I couldn't resist putting a picture of him here!) When I was telling Wubitu that she should stop playing and go to the bathroom before she peed her pants because she would get a time-out Zach said "yes mam" with his cute little Texas draw! It kind of got me thinking about the Southern states teaching their children respect (at least verbally) toward authority....I kind of wish we had that here sometimes. It was kind of validating as a parent to not have to ask, "do you understand?" after a correction... the child acknowledges that you said something with a simple it too late to start teaching the boys now? I am not sure how it would go over here in the Midwest..would people think it was patronizing? Any thoughts?

This entry was posted on 5/31/2008 and is filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.


    Kristy said...

    Ok, you really make me laugh! I just got back from a vacation in the South and ever since I've been making my kids say "yes mam"!!!! For exactly the same reason---I am so tired of saying do you understand me??!! So don't be surprised if you hear my kids sounding like respectful gentlemen. Also don't be surprised if you see them screaming, kicking and scratching me or each other.....

  1. ... on June 12, 2008 at 10:44 PM