This week I am working really hard on letting kids be kids. A fellow blogger Mrs. Baker posted about letting her son do lots of different things to become acclimated with his new home and then on the CHSFS forum other moms have been posting their favorite nontoy somewhat messy activities. So we are trying a few this week. Alot of the messy activities I have planned for the week are things I let the boys do as babies or toddlers but now that they are older I have tried to cut down on the unnessicary messes. I feel like I need to go back to messy toddler stage for Wubitu....let her smash her food between her fingers at designated times, splashing water all over the place, dumping toys, etc. I feel like I pushed "the rules" alot when we first come home since sometime during the "wait" I became an OCD neat freak (strange I know for those of you knew me preadoption) Today I let the Carter, Landon, and Wubitu cut the Sunday newpaper to bits and tear it up with thier fingers at the table (I had them help me clean it up afterwards)....then I didn't freak out after they blew the above massive bubbles in thier cereal.