living the life. enjoying the journey

I am going on week 2 of massive headaches with no end in sight. Please keep praying for me....I desprately need it. We are still working on bonding with Wubitu but it is 1,000x harder when all you want to do is climb back in bed and never come out. I have tried many "natural" approaches like increasing my water intake, 60 minutes of exercise a day, cut out most sugars, taking mutivitamines, 9 hours of sleep a day but the headache is still there the moment I open my eyes. I never ever take any over the counter meds but I have started trying all different kinds to help me function enough until Torrey gets home.

This entry was posted on 4/01/2008 and is filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.


    Anonymous said...

    I will be praying for you Kimberley. Being a person who gets 4 - 10 migraines a month, I know how you feel and it isn't fun. One thing I just learned in my Human Nutrition class is that too much niacin can cause headaches and long-term liver damage. The multivitamin I was taking had 100 mg...the recommended is 14 mg. My text book said anything over 100 is very dangerous so with the vitamin and what I was getting through food I was headed for disaster. I quit taking them on Friday and haven't had a headache since.


  1. ... on April 1, 2008 at 11:46 AM  
  2. Cindy said...

    I hope that you can get some relief soon! There is nothing worse then waking up with a headache. Sending my very best wishes.

  3. ... on April 1, 2008 at 6:32 PM  
  4. Lisa said...

    I hear you about the migraines. I cannot function with one and they make me so nauseous!! Something that has helped me immensely (to cut down on severity and frequency) is Magnesium. There are some books out there about the connection between migraines/magnesium deficiency. I just started taking one tablet a day and not only have the headaches almost completely stopped, but I was having alot of muscle aches that went away too. I forgot to take it for 2 days and the aches came back so there has to be a connection! Good Luck with whatever you try. I have tried two prescription meds and neither worked if I didn't take them IMMEDIATELY at the first inkling I may be getting the migraine (and who wants to take something if they're not SURE it's going to be a migraine and not just a sinus or tension headache?) and one time it worked but my entire head went numb - as in, couldn't smell, taste or feel myself poking myself in the head - weird - last time I took that.

  5. ... on April 5, 2008 at 10:06 AM