living the life. enjoying the journey

So it seems like a year ago since I last posted even though it has only been a week. Here are a few highlights:
-Pinewood Derby: Noah & Carter were so excited about making cars to race in the Pinewood derby. Noah made a hotdog car that he showed to everyone with pride. Torrey said that random kids that he didn't know at the Derby would say "Hey, that's the hotdog boy!" He beemed with pride. Carter made a triangle car that I painstakingly sanded down to a rounded surfboard end. He painted it black and red. Unforntuately we ran out of time and didn't affix the wheels until the wee hours of the morning and didn't have time to make them move smoothly. They boys didn't win any races but they had a GREAT time with their dad (who skipped the ground breaking on the Habitat House project his is designing to be with his boys....what a wonderful dad!)
-Wubitu and I went to the mall for some much needed girl bonding. Trying to keep the house clean, homework done, laundry off the floor, play dates, etc...sometimes we don't get in the snuggles that she needs right now. So I forwent the the stroller so that I could carry her throughout the mall. She really enjoyed her first trip to Libby Lou (a very girly, girl shop). She reached down to touch the sparkly pink and purple floor with a look of awe in her eyes. Tears came to my eyes as I looked at all the froo froo and realized that I finally had a little girl to spoil. Next she ran over to watch a little girl get her ears peirced. She insisted that she needed hers done but I told her she had to ask daddy first....I am not sure if she is ready for this yet....and how do you fully explain that this would hurt and you have to leave them in? After a long pout about no earrings we watched the fountain, tried lotions at Bath & Body Works, and sniffed candles at Yankee Candle. Then we had a yummy, grease filled lunch at the food court and headed to Children's Place where I realized that I threw my Credit Card in the trash with our plates!!! Luckily I remembered which trash can and the custodian opened it up for me and made me dig through it myself without gloves....yuck!!! I did find it sandwiched between two plates of teriaki chicken and rice! (Always an adventure) Overall we had a good time together. (When I got home I realized that Children's Place rang up Noah's jeans 2X so I have to go back to get my card refunded!!!)
-Torrey decided to increase his course load for the next 2 years. It took 7 years to get his Associate Degree and we projected 5 more years from now to finish his Bachelor's degree. Torrey has been feeling like there is no end in sight so we are making a bold move and trying to finish in 2 years instead.
So to make room for the extra responsibilies on Torrey's plate I did a lot of soul searching and praying and I feel like I need to be home to support Torrey and the family 100% so:
-I am taking a long break from my job at our church as a Service Coordinator to assess God's desires for my time and life. Please pray for us as this will be a major financial strain for our family especially as we save for our next adoption.
- I am also limiting my hours at the YMCA.
-Warsaw Stephen Curtis Chapman Concert: We loved talking with other adoptive parents about thier adoption journeys!!! It was very encouraging to hear about how God completely provided for people's adoptions! Talking with everyone really helped to strengthen our faith that God will provide for our next adoption. Our story of God's incredible provision was not just a fluke...God cares about orphans and is willing to move a financial mountain if we ask!
-Sunday Night was our pastor's 30 year anniversary of working at our church. My friend Michelle asked me to be in thier Hee Haw skit because she knows that I am never afraid to make a huge fool out of myself. I invited my friend Kristy along to our hillbilly party. Both of our husbands were quite embarrased by our over the top southern draw but we had a great time telling cornfield jokes and singing the "Rumor" song. Well to tell you the truth I had no idea what I was doing since I have never seen an episode of Hee Haw in my life but I just went along with the other crazy ladies and had a GREAT time. Carter kept asking me why I was talking like Texas (Grandma Jenny & Grandpa John live there). Noah asked for a definition of Y'all. Wubitu just kept trying to take my hat.

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