Our Yahoo group for Indiana families who have or are in the process of adopting children from Ethiopia met at Abyssinia Ethiopian Restaurant in Indianapolis. It was so much fun to meet with so many people and connect faces with screen names! I can't wait to see all of you who are still waiting to get referrals and passed court dates with travel dates and finally home with your little ones! I remember the agony of the wait and am praying for each of you! Wubitu was so excited about INJERA!!! She unrolled it like she had never been away and scarffed it down until her round little tummy poked out of the bottom of her shirt! I even liked it this time...much less sourdoughy than I remembered in Africa. The boys couldn't stand the taste of it so we scrounged up some granola bars from the car and stopped at McDonald's on the way home. Wubitu had such a good time with the other little girls that it really solidified our resolve to bring her home a sister ASAP. We are also leaning more and more toward taking Noah with us this time. He has always been a "baby" person. I remember him taking such tender care of Carter when he was little and really took pride in being the big brother who showed his little brother how to ride a skateboard, color, and play video games. At the restaurant he had alot of fun playing with a little 2 year old there as she copied his every move which made him giggle histerically. Unfortunately I forgot to bring my camera into the restaurant....so please send me some pictures if you took them (I would love to post a few)!!!
6 years ago