These pictures where taken by Buffalojen at our Indy Ethio Trip last weekend! Thanks! We are praying for a quick referral and a sane wait for you!


This week marks the end of Wubitu's word "E". She was sliding down the slide (backwards of course) and said "Mommy, look at me!!!" I spun around so fast I thought I might get whip lash! It is bittersweet...yes you may have heard me say "I get so tired of e-ing sometimes" but now that it is gone I am somewhat sad. She is losing her native laguage with each passing day. When she talked to her friend Nita (they shared a bed at the orphanage) on the phone they couldn't communicate anymore...sad. Most people do not realize right away that Wubitu has only been speaking English for 2 months now. She knows ALOT of phrases like "I don't want to talk about it (from Noah & Carter", "I don't like it," "Wubitu wants to go down basement," etc. She has really picked up a lot! She repeats Carter all day long which makes him BONKERS! So she now mimicks him saying "Stop repeating me!" They are getting along very well far as boy-girl siblings go. Noah is very affectionate to her like a big brother and Carter likes to play moon sand with her. I definatley have my hands full with Carter & Wubitu...they are both class clown types and will keep doing ANYTHING as long as someone is laughing....we have a lot of slapstick going on here followed by deep belly laughter from both of the joksters.
Torrey finally pulled Noah's other front tooth that was hanging 1/2 an inch lower than his other teeth. He just has his "pencil tooth" as he calls it left of the crazy tooth trifecta. (The pencil tooth is one that is twisted sideways so that the sharp corner is pointed down like a sharpened pencil). Finally feeling free to leave Wubitu places I got to help out at Noah's school twice this week. At the Valentine's party I was informed by another little boy that Rachel O. is officially Noah's girlfriend...You may remember that one day earlier this year he told me he like Rachel O. because she can read chapter books (oh the standards! How can a girl live up to them!)...well it has blossomed into a full blown 1st grade romance. I think the little boy that told me expected me to react negatively or tease Noah but my cool mom response was a simple "yep, I know" I told Noah later that his friend told me Rachel was his girlfriend and he simply responded.."yep, that's true". End of discussion. I hope we can keep this simple line of communication open into the teenage years....okay, I hear you parents of teens snickering and rolling your eyes at my pie in the sky parenting wishes...oh well a mom can dream...until then I will keep a neutral position with him on boyfriend/girlfriend matters...(easy to say in 1st grade...I know).
Okay can you tell he is the middle child....bad mommy! No exciting stories to tell about him except that he broke his "NO KISSING" rule today when he kissed Wubitu on the head because she made him laugh so hard when she pulled her hat over her eyes and kept running into walls on purpose giggling hysterically. It was so sweet!