Happy Valentine's Day!!! (Belated....of course!)
All of the kids took great pride in their Valentine's this year. Carter got tired of righting his full name so several of his Transformer cards say from "Car." Noah picked the "Bee Movie" valentines because they smell like honey.
Wubitu picked Dora cards because she still thinks that Dora the cartoon star is the same person as her aunt Lora.
Last Saturday we had a great time at Wana waves (one of those hotels with an indoor water park) in Shipshawanna celebrating my baby sister's 17th birthday. My dad built a hotel similar to it in Dundee and worked on the Shipshawanna hotel for the first month of construction before changing companies. Wubitu had a WONDERFUL time (Thank you grandpa!) The water park combined her two most favorite things...water and slides. She ran nonstop for 5 hours up the stairs and down the slide. The boys and I took a break for a few hours in the arcade but poor daddy had to endure the endless hours of sliding ...Wubitu was quite persistent that daddy go down beside her all the time.
Carter stuck to this baby slide most of the time but Wubitu loved the bigger slide just as much.
Carter also refused to go up the tower because he was scared of this:
It looks crazy but honestly you only get a little bit wet because you are under an overhang. A huge bucket fills up with water every 3 or 4 minutes and empties on half of the park in a huge tsunami crash.
Daddy and Carter enjoying the Lazy River.
Noah had gotten so big all of a sudden. He had a BLAST the entire time. He used to be the one clinging to my leg like Carter is now.
Carter, the ever sweet, loving brother, used his tickets from the arcade to buy Wubitu these sunglasses (blue is her favorite color)

We had our first Post placement visit this Friday! Everything went really well but Wubitu and Carter were both acting fussy. When the social worker asked the boys if they liked having a little sister Noah said, "Yeah, she makes me laugh... she is a funny baby." Carter said, "No" and gave a grumpy face. I had to then explain that at most times of the day his happy with her but 5 minutes before she came in Wubitu let Noah carry her around and wouldn't let Carter carry her. He was mad at her because he has been calling her his baby and it hurt his feelings that "his baby" wouldn't let him carry her. Then Wubitu started showing off for our SW...very normal for Wubitu if you have spent any time with her...she NEEDS your attention it seems. The SW asked if perhaps she is hyperactive. I said that I wasn't comfortable calling her that yet, especially since she is only 3 and I like to call it "energetic" for now. Overall everything seemed to go well even though I was kind of embarrassed to admit that she eats a poptart with banana and milk very morning on the way out the door when the right answer I think was supposed to be "a variety of foods every morning as we sit together as a family to eat our nutritious breakfast."
Kristy said...
Looks like a fun week!! Was the water park warm enough? We went to the one in Indy a couple years ago and I was freezing! My boys are very frightend of water slides and splashing water. They are getting better about it though.
Keep having fun!
Anonymous said...
We just took the kids to a water park just like that in Duluth. Everyone loved the "Lazy River" and Daniel and Kelsey loved the big bucket (although the rush of the water would knock Kelsey over). Tyana wasn't too fond of the water at all and spent most of her time riding the river with her Daddy. I love seeing pictures of you guys....we miss you!!!!
Tom and Nikki