living the life. enjoying the journey

Day 5
We decided to take Webitu back to visit the Care Center to visit her nannies and friends. When we arrived the children were all sitting on the carpet watching Buggs Bunny and traditional Ethiopian dancing. During this time it became quite evident that we were in an orphanage.
There were so many children and not enough help to keep them from hurting one another. Some of the boys are very rough and will pull each others legs or dive on top of other children. It was heartbreaking so see some of the little ones continually victimized by a rough child. I finally made my way though a sea of children wanting my attention to one little girl with beautiful big eyes who had been hit several times and was continuously crying against the wall. I
held her and fended off the leg pullers and just sobbed for the little girl. These little ones need their mommy and daddy! Many were content but some sat crying and it took a few tries to get then to accept a hug and affection to comfort them. Next came snack time. Webitu was very hesitant to sit down for a snack. I had to show her that we were not leaving her before she would sit. The nannies come around with a large bowl of water and a pitcher to pour water over their hands, Then each child was given ¼th of an apple. Webitu didn't like the peal so she spent most of the time biting off the peel and handing it to me. Then she would hold up her hands to show that she was all done and wanted more. After all the apples were gone we went outside to play. The children do not have any play equipment just 6 or 7 balls (some were fla) Mainly
Torrey & I were the entertainment. Webitu started to point up into the tree and we couldn't figure out what she wanted, but she was insistant that we get it for her. So I tried the leaves and flowers but she made sad face at these. So I tried to put her up in the tree and this didn't work. Finally I gave her to torrey and he couldn't figure it out. We asked the nannies and they said she wanted a lemon from the tree. Wouldn't you know, way up in the tree were tiny
lemons. She was very insistant that daddy climb the tree and get her a lemon and kept showing him where to put his feet to get up. Finally she talked one of the staff into climbing the tree to get her the tiny lemon. She was so happy to suck the lemon juice out and feed the seeds to mommy. It is very evident that she was loved by everyone. She showed everyone her new shoes with much pride. Several times a nanny would come and take her from us to show her to the other staff. She was quite happy. Staying at the Care Center started to become overwhelming. So many of the children want your attention at once and they will do anything to
get it. One little boy would steal the shoes of the child you wereholding as say "one, two thrrree" and throw them as far as he can. But when you held him he laid in your arms and kissed your cheeks saying, "I love you" with his Amharic accent. It is so sad! Right before the Makeena came to get us Webitu spilled water on her shirt and threw a monster fit and wouldn't let anyone touch her (she hates to be wet or dirty). Finally she let the nannies hold her right when
we had to leave. WE had a lot of fun with her for the day but she wears you out!!! I was happy to have a little break from the energy. After a nap we went shopping again and exchanged the rest of our US money into birr. It was nice that our driver took us to a shop with set
prices so we didn't have to barter. Then we went to the Crown Hotel for dinner and traditional Ethiopian dancing. It only costs 95birr each (about $10 per person) for an Ethiopian buffet. We really enjoyed the food and dancing..I will post a video when we get home. This is where I had my meltdown. I got a lot of tomatoes and remembered that if Carter were here then he would have only eaten the tomatoes…this opened the floodgates of homesickness…who knew tomatoes
would make you cry so much. It has been so hard to be away from my boys for so long. We have never been away for longer than 2 days and 7 days without a huge Carter hug or an "I love you mommy" for Noah is unbearable. If you are with the boys this week please drop us an email to let us know how they are doing…not hearing anything is unbearable!

This entry was posted on 12/10/2007 and is filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.


    Kristy said...

    Your blog enteries are touching my heart,your experience is incredible.
    Your daughter is beautiful and I smile thinking how well she will fit into your family.
    I know you are dying to see your boys, you'll be home soon. Can't wait to hear more.

  1. ... on December 10, 2007 at 10:10 PM