The last 2 hours of the long fligh were agonizing! I felt like the ride would never end. When we finally touched down I wanted to jump up and down with joy!!! As we entered the airport I started to become quite aware of a shift in my thinking. In Ethiopia I often thought about the opinions of the other Ethiopians of us Ferenji (white people) adopting one of thier children. Once I had a look around I started to notice how many white people were in the airport and how few black people were to be found. Then a horrifying feeling hit as reality set in that racism is very real in America and some of these people may already be pinning negative stereotypes on our little girl based on her beautiful golden skin. It is one thing to make yourself aware of these things before you adopt but quite another when you step off the airplane into a crowd with your very own chid. The thoughts stayed with me as we were ushered through to our first line. The attendant check our passports/visas and our child's. Then we retrieved our baggage and headed for the secondary baggage screening. Our United boarding passes to Indy were pre printed and all we had to do was send our baggage back on the conveyer to be security checked again and head upstairs through security and to find our gate. The whole process took us about 45 minutes but we hurried because we only had a short time to catch our flight. After all the hurry we finally realized that our flight had been delayed 2 hours!!! I was so bummed! We would have to wait 2 more hours to see our little boys at home again! We chatted with some people at the gate who were very interested in our adoption and received many compliments on our a beautiful little girl. We checked out our first US bathroom and wouldn't you know that our high tech sensored water faucets didn't work!!! We are in the US for pete's sakes!!! Webitu enjoyed flushing the toilet 20 times in a row. I am sure she annoyed the person in the next stall but who am I to interrupt her first experience with high powered superflushers...I know I was in amazement when I first experienced mine in the Rave theatre. Next was the awesomeness of the drinking fountain. She was so excited that it squirted water right up. I tried to show her the proper technique of sucking the water up without putting your mouth on the nosel but I am sure it will take a little practice. She particularly enjoyed watching her face in the drining fountain. Then we tried to fill her tummy with good old American greasy pizza and sugary cereal. Initally she rejected both but gave in to our fattening fare after her hunger took over. We finally boarded our plane with much relief after the flight right before our had been delayed 2 hours and finally cancelled altogether to the chargrin of many angry United customers who were stuck in DC until morning. Webitu freaked out when we tried to buckle her into the seat beside us at the flight attendants insistant that she use the seat that we had to purchase for her. I finally ignored the flight attandants wishes after the dirty looks from fellow travelers who could not stand to listen to her frantic screams from being separated even a few inches from mommy. She quickly fell asleep in my arms and slept the entire flight. As we exited the plane in Indy I became so overcome by homesickness and the tears began to flow as I saw my little boys waiting just past security. Carter looked at me funny and asked me why I was crying (boys!). Webitu was still very much asleep and showed no signs of waking but after we had given up she peeked out and caught sight of her new obsession...escalators. We road up and down the escalator with the boys and she giggled with delight. She was very excited to see the boys and that was about it. You could tell that she wasn't quite 100% awake. Afte picking up our luggage we headed to for van and the dreaded car seat. I expected the worst and the worst we recieved. As I tried to sit her down she freaked and fought for her life to not let me buckle her. She screamed and fought until she finally peed her pants!!!! The exhaustion of flying, emotion from missing the boys, drained self-control from the repeated monster fits all hit in one emotional breakdown where I just sobbed loudly and had to have Torrey take over alittle. We decided to just put the shoulder/lap belt on for now and I sat beside her trying to calm myself. We finally started our journey home! After awhile I traded spots with Torrey and Webitu did not like it one bit as she kicked and gave daddy the grumpy look. Eventually she fell asleep followed quickly by both Torrey & I. We finally made it home around 9:30 PM...home sweet home!!!!
6 years ago