Peace on Earth!

I smell a fit coming on.... Santa brought me more 'tude for Christmas...I wonder if you can take that back to Walmart without a reciept?
Here is Carter and the sweeper that Carter was going to give Jesus for Christmas! (vaccum for those of you non-hoosiers)
Daddy is my favorite toy!

Oh yeah....I'm gonna rock this flip!
Toothbrushes are the coolest Christmas presents...especially after you discover candy in the USA!

Here is Carter and the sweeper that Carter was going to give Jesus for Christmas! (vaccum for those of you non-hoosiers)

Thank you to everyone who has been there for us in the last two weeks. I don't think I would have made it through without the support of everyone who listened to me sob on the phone, sent me encouraging emails, let me vent by email and phone and brought us meals. I had been well prepared by my friends who have adopted before me that nobody talks about it but the first weeks home are the worst, especially with older child adoption. Often you feel like you have made the biggest mistake in your life because adjustment is just plain hard and there is no sugar coating it. It is hard for the child and the new family. But I write this only because I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that it gets better. We are starting to see a little light at the end of a very long tunnel. Webitu has made strides in not throwing quite as many fits. We are down to about 15 a day and she no longer spits at you when she is mad!!! Most of her fits are now more about not liking the boundaries set by us like "please don't use bar soap in your hair" or "Please don't chew the ends off of Daddy's hoodie strings" and less about Webitu being picky about which hand you hand her a tissue with. She still has issues about new clothes. She does not like an outfit unless she has worn it once already which means that there is a fit about any new clothes the first time but the next time she likes it. This has been a big issue since she is already transitioning out if the 2T clothes that fit her in Ethiopia into the new 3T clothes. As for me I am finally getting over the jet lag and sleep deprivation and am feeling more ready to care for little Webitu. I still have to remind myself some days when I wake up that I have 3 children now. I can't wait for the day when it just feels natural. Torrey stayed home most of this week which has been absolutely wonderful. We even put all the Christmas stuff away today (a huge accomplishment since it took until November to get it all put away from Christmas 2006)!! Overall Webitu is a joy! She is sweet and sassy~ my favorite combination! She is gaining in language everyday even though is seems like she has so far to go. The words she uses regularly are "bottom" (she sticks it out really far and points at her bum...the boys think this is hilarious), "fish", "throw it in the trash"(she threw her clothes in the trash today because she didn't like her shirt), "milk", "water", "thank you", "wash your hands", "hi", and "bye". She uses several other words occasionally but for the most part she speaks in Amharic and we have no clue what words she is saying...sometimes you get the meaning though by her expressions and pointing. The boys are already talking about going back to Ethiopia to get another little sister. Here is a fun video of Webitu and Torrey playing in the living room after Christmas at Grandpa Jeff and Grandma Karen's house. Please excuse the crazy mess. I have decided that if I only take pictures and video tape when my house is spotless then I will miss so many fun things. (We are calling Webitu B2 for right now and working on the Keziah thing...she usually looks at you funny and says clue what that means)
hotflawedmama said...
I'm glad you are seeing the light! I've been religiously checking your blog to see how things are going! Your family is in our thoughts and prayers!
Anonymous said...
I love to hear people are checking my blog! I remember living off of other people's blog while waiting for referral and travel! Thank you to those bloggers before me who helped me be so prepared in Ethiopia and the first weeks home!